Testing that a post appears on the mobile app after posted on the website.
I’ve been working on this on and off for a bit of time now, the pieces are coming together and the functionality is working as intended. I need to look into some other custom functions, but as of now I’m satisfied with the layout and current scripts (most of which were created on the spot!).…
This post has all of my contact information across all of the internet. Please feel free to reach out with questions, concerns, comments, suggestions, etc. Updates to this website will come sporadically as time allows, but I do check most of my socials [with the exception of the bad ones ;)] pretty frequently. I also…
Testing that content lines up how it should across a variety of screen sizes and dimensions. ~ Hello! My name is Eddie and this is a website. The intent of this website is to both showcase my streaming content, viewable at https://twitch.tv/driht or on the Bigscreen, and some website design functionality and methodology that I’ve…
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